Children in a garden at The Sutainability Institute


The Lexi is the only cinema in London to give 100% of its distributable profits to charity, providing vital support to the pioneering Sustainability Institute in South Africa

The Sustainability Institute is a sustainable living and learning centre based in rural Stellenbosch, South Africa. With its educational and food programmes and ecological research initiatives, the SI is making a huge difference to the families of Lynedoch Village and the surrounding area.

Much of the funding from the Lexi is dedicated to supporting the children and young people of Lynedoch. Projects we fund include:

The village's care-from-birth crèche and Montessori nursery, which takes local children up to school age.

A new early learning centre for infants and preschoolers, mainly the children of local farmworkers.

Providing nourishing meals to children who might otherwise go hungry. 200 kids a day benefit from this provision and the food is delicious, too!

The Lynedoch Youth Programme, which provides academic, recreational, cultural, sport and welfare activities to help unlock young people’s potential. Substance abuse, youth gangs and teen pregnancy mean that only a small proportion of local teens complete high school. In recent years the Lexi has funded the Dream Space, a safe space for teenagers and 'youths in transition' - school leavers who are being helped into work.

Water capturing and 100% recycling in a water-scarce region.

The Lynedoch Land Conservancy, home to over 1000 indigenous trees, shrubs and vegetable gardens. The financial investment in this Conservancy makes possible assistance for homes for previously disadvantaged families.

Much of this would not have been possible without Lexi audiences. Thank you!

 “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a country” – Nelson Mandela